Whenever I read or watch something, I like to write about the cultural differences that I see. The things we can learning about culture from Good Morning Kiss are minimal, but still very interesting.
Kimono vs Yukata

In the manga, Nao wears both a kimono and a yukata at some point. They both look similar in design and I wondered what the difference is. Both are T-shaped robes kept in place with a belt.
A kimono is a traditional dress first seen in the Muromachi period (1392-1568). It is made of silk. Both men and women wear them. Only a few people own a kimono because they are expensive, extremely dressy, and difficult to put on. Kimono can consist of 12 parts or more.
Yukata is more casual and made of cotton. Usually it is worn by women in summer. They are popular to wear for festivals.
This is the title of Abe’s drama club performance. I tried to search if it was an actually play, but it ended up showing a toy, which is marketed as the the original fidget toy. It’s a weighed wooden table tumbler that can somehow do tricks.
The 1st Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple visit of the year. People usually visit on the 1st-3rd of January. The purpose is to cleanse oneself at the beginning of the new year. To learn more about it or even what to do if you visit: izanau.com
Japanese traditional custom where adults (parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles) give money to their children. The amount varies with age. They receive otoshidama from baby/toddler years until 20 years old typically. It is received the 1st-3rd of January. The purpose is to give appreciation to the children and some hope for the new year.
Himo is a Japanese word that means a man is financially dependent on a women.
Is a way to skip a sex scene in a TV drama series, manga, or anime. Obscene images are not shown in Japanese TV unless created for that specific reason.
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