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Book Movie List: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

In the book To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, the author mentions a few movies. I’ve decided to write more about them, mainly for my own curiosity.

Fight Club

In the book, when Lara Jean and Peter were deciding upon some rules for their contract relationship. Peter mentions Fight Club. Lara Jean had never heard of it and so he decided that they’ll watch it sometime.

Fight Club is a 1999 American film directed by David Fincher. The movie stars Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham. This movie is based on a 1996 novel with same name written by Chuck Palahnuik.The movie didn’t do too well in the box office, but sales soar when it was released on DVD. It eventually became a cult classic.

The story is about a narrator who meets Tyler Dursden. They eventually create a fight club in which spreads across the nation.


Ken Burns documentary


Lara Jean dad was watching a Ken Burns documentary. I had no clue what that was so I decided to research it. He has several documentary, mostly historical. You can visit the website to see the list.

Pixar Film

Lara Jean went to the movies with Kitty and Josh to see a Pixar film. There are several films that they could have seen. So here is a list of them.

Lord of the Rings (Marathon)


Josh attempted to invite Lara Jean to a Lord of the Rings Marathon. She had to reject him because she had plans with Peter.

The Lord of the Rings Movies are based on the novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien. The genre of the movies is epic Adventure fantasy and it is directed by Peter Jackson. The Three films are: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002), and The Return of the King (2003).

The story is set in middle-earth as we follow Frodo Baggins as he embarks on a quest to destroy the One Ring in order to kill its creator, Dark Lord Sauron.

In order to do a Lord of the Rings marathon, it would take a total of 9 hours and half. That’s if you don’t take any breaks.

Have you seen any of these films?

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